Sunday, February 24, 2008

A day spent felting

Once again the day was spent down at Rainbow Fleece Farm. This week the weather was sunny with no immediate threat of biblical level winter storms. In short a great day to be out in the country playing with wool and surrounded by sheep. There were several recently born lambs on the farm, one pair just born that morning.

The turn out was better than last week and as usual the people who did come out were a joy to teach. Anyone who is willing to pick up something new and play around and learn is usually a pretty good person IMHO.

We also got to celebrate a bit with Hazel Carter, a fiber artist/knitting goddess in the area who turned 80 this past week. We had cake and sang happy birthday to her and her visiting family. I hope to be doing so well at 80, surrounded by loving family and still creating things of beauty. It was a treat to meet her.

Unfortunately I left a doll out at the farm. Thankfully it is up high so the new farm puppy will not get a hold of it. That little stinker made his way into the wool barn and kept running out with a new ball of roving to chew every chance he got! But I do need to find time to get back out and get her. If I'm lucky someone I know from town will be going out and can give the doll a lift back to Madison.

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